Acceleration from speed

`a = (v_2 - v_1)/(t_2 - t_1)`
Calculation of acceleration, speed and time in a uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion.
Enter 'x' in the field to be calculated.

Uniformly accelerated linear motion

This tool calculates the acceleration of a uniformly accelerated linear motion object (i.e. constant acceleration) from two speeds (`v_1` and `v_2`) measured at two different instants (`t_1` and `t_2`).

a: Acceleration (constant) of the object
`v_1`: speed at an instant `t_1`
`v_2`: speed at an instant `t_2`

In a uniformly accelerated linear motion, the rate of change in velocity is constant over time. The equation that connects these quantities is,

`a = (v_2 - v_1)/(t_2 - t_1) = (\Deltav)/(\Deltat)`

`a > 0`

Uniformly slowed linear motion

In that case, the speed of the moving object is slowing down over time with a negative rate of variation: deceleration instead of acceleration in the previous case. So we have,

`a = (v_2 - v_1)/(t_2 - t_1) = (\Deltav)/(\Deltat)`

`a < 0`

Calculator use : to enter large values or powers of 10
enter 1e10 for `10^10`
enter 5.4e6 for `5.4*10^6`

See also

Calculating acceleration from force
Calculating acceleration from position
Unit Converters