Find your Birthday in pi
This tool finds the position of your birthday or any other date, in the first 2 billions pi digits.
This tool searches for a given birthday in the sequence of 2 billions pi digits.
`pi` = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510.....
pi digits sequence being infinite, we can find in it any finite sequence of numbers : your birthday, your social security number but also, the last book you read, encoded in decimal numbers..
This tool supposes that a date is always a 8-digits number : 2 digits for the day, 2 digits for the month and 4 digits for the year. For example, the search for the date 'March, 4th, 1982', will be done with these sequences,
- 03041982 in USA format (MMDDYYYY), 03/04/1982
- 04031982 in EURO format (DDMMYYYY), 04/03/1982
- 19820304 in ISO format (YYYYMMDD), 1982/03/04
Writing a date with 8 digits is a simple convention to limit the high number of possibilities. For example, for the date 'March, 4th 1982', we could also search for 341982 (3/4/1982) or 3482 (3/4/82) which correspond to the same date. For this reason, we limit the search to 8 digits dates.
The first 10 birthdays found in pi
Given this convention (8 digits date), the 10 first birthdays that appears in pi are the following,
Date | Sequence | Format | Position in pi |
14th sept 2019 | 20190914 | ISO | 244 |
21st sept 1953 | 19530921 | ISO | 417 |
17th feb 1907 | 19070217 | ISO | 541 |
13 may 2000 | 05132000 | USA | 596 |
29th feb 1960 | 29021960 | EURO | 713 |
21st sept 1959 | 19590921 | ISO | 985 |
18th oct 1942 | 10181942 | USA | 1223 |
25th nov 1935 | 19351125 | ISO | 1345 |
24th apr 1965 | 04241965 | USA | 1877 |
14th jun 1966 | 06141966 | USA | 2914 |
See also
Find if your birth date is a prime number
Date and time calculators
Mathematics calculators