Capacitor Energy

Calculates the stored Energy in a Capacitor. Used formulas are,

`E = 1/2*C*V^2 = 1/2*Q*V = 1/2*Q^2/C`

Enter 'x' in the field to be calculated.

This tool calculates the stored Energy in a Capacitor.

E : Stored energy in the Capacitor in joules (J)
C : Capacitance of the Capacitor in farad (F)
V : Voltage across the terminal of the capacitor in volt (V)
Q : Electrical charge stored in the Capacitor in coulomb (C)

Knowing that Q (charge), C (capacitance) and V (voltage) are related by below relationship, we get three equivalent formulas that calculates the stored Energy in an ideal Capacitor.

`Q = C*V`

Formula using Capacitance C and Voltage V

`E = 1/2*C*V^2`

Formula using Charge Q and Voltage V,

`E = 1/2*Q*V`

Formula using Charge Q and Capacitance C,

`E = 1/2*Q^2/C`

See also

Unit Conversion tools
Capacitor Charge
Equivalent Capacitance
Energy in an Inductor
Electricity Calculators
Physics Calculators