Decimal to fraction

This calculator converts a decimal number to a fraction.

Convert decimal number to fraction

First, convert the decimal number into a fraction with a denominator equal to a power of 10 i.e. 10, 100, 1000, 10000... Specifically,
For a number with one decimal (like 1.4), the denominator will be 10. Therefore, `1.4 = 14/10`
For a number with two decimals (like 2.74), the denominator will be 100. Therefore, `2.74 = 274/100`
For a number with three decimals (like 15.687), the denominator will be 1000. Therefore, `15.687 = 15687/1000`, and so on...

Other examples:

`1.5 Rightarrow` remove decimal separator `Rightarrow 15` `Rightarrow` we divide by 10 because of 1 decimal `Rightarrow 15/10`

`0.12 Rightarrow` remove decimal separator `Rightarrow 12` `Rightarrow` we divide by 100 because of 2 decimals `Rightarrow 12/100`

`3.235 Rightarrow` remove decimal separator `Rightarrow 3235` `Rightarrow` we divide by 1000 because of 3 decimals `Rightarrow 3235/1000`

Simplify the resulting fraction

The last step is to simplify the fraction.


`3.235 = 3235/1000`

We simplify with GCD method,

GCD (3235,1000) = 5

`3235/1000 = (3235\div5)/(1000\div5) = 647/200`


`3.235 = 647/200`