Sequence Calculator

Input the first terms of a sequence to identify it. This tool calculates also the general term, the next term, and the sum of the sequence. Included types : arithmetic, geometric, quadratic and cubic sequences.


Geometric sequence of ratio `1/2`.
Indeed, the ratio between two successive terms is constant and equal to `1/2` ...

General term
`U_n = 4*(1/2)^n`

Value of the next term (n = 6) : Calculate

Value of sequence given index (n = 10) : Calculate

Sum of the sequence terms : CalculateDo you have any suggestions to improve this page ?

Separator : line break or space(s)


- Input the first terms of the sequence in a line (separator: one or more spaces) or in one column.
Ideally, input the first 5 terms of the sequence.

- You may input numbers, fractions and usual functions like cos, sin, log, etc. For example, use sqrt(2) for square root of 2.


- What is the nature of this sequence (arithmetic, geometric, quadratic or cubic) ? 2 8 32 128 512

- What is the next term of this sequence ? 2 1 1/2 1/4 1/8

- What is the sum of the first 50 terms of this sequence ? 2 5 8 11 14

- Is this sequence arithmetic, geometric, quadratic or cubic ? -6 2 22 60 122

- Find the 10th term of the sequence 15/2 57/2 127/2 225/2

See also

All Sequence Calculators
Maths Calculators