
`\vec(W) = m * \vec(g)`
Calculation of weight based on mass m
Enter 'x' in the field to be calculated.

Weight, mass and acceleration

Weight is the force of attraction exerted on an object by the place where it is located (Earth, Moon, Mars or another planet). This force is called the gravitational force. The weight is expressed in Newton (N).

Mass is a quantity that measures the amount of substance of an object regardless of where it is located (on Earth, Moon, Mars, etc).
Mass is a state variable. It is a property of the object. Weight, on the contrary, is not a state variable because it depends on where you are. For example, the weight of an object on Earth is different from the weight of that same object on the Moon.

At last, g variable is an acceleration that measures the intensity of gravity at a given location. It is approximately equal to 9.8 m/s2 (or N/kg) on Earth and 1.6 m/s2 on the Moon. So, an object will be about 6 (= 9.8/1.6) times lighter on the Moon than on Earth.

How to calculate the weight ?

The weight is calculated from the mass and Earth gravity constant g, using the following formula,

`\vec(W) = m * \vec(g)`

W is the weight in N.
m is the mass in kg.
g is the acceleration of gravity in m/s2.

See also

Gravitation force calculator
Unit Converters